Popular semi permanent makeup solutions
For really natural looking brows, soft thin hair lines can be achieved using multiple colours to create a beautiful full looking brow regardless whether brows have thinned with age, are overplucked , are very fair or simply to improve eyebrow shape and look and already have a lot of natural hair.
Hair Strokes
Hair Strokes – draw of individual hairs into the skin under ultra-precise magnification, weaving microscopic simulated hairstrokes among your natural ones in a bespoke pigment blend to lift, define eyebrows.
Shaded Brow
Shading technique – a bolder mist of colour for a truly ‘24/7 made up’ brow effect. Perhaps the least natural of the brow looks but undeniably striking and beautiful, the bold shaded brow has been one of the biggest make up trends of the last decade, creating symmetry in a blended colour of your choice. Another shading technique that’s super hot right now is Ombre Brows, giving that Kardashian style, faded powder-brow effect.
Ultra-precise ‘liquid-liner-look’ 24/7
Thicker, darker lashes and more defined eyes make a difference to the whole face. An expertly applied eyeliner is the perfect solution, giving you professional make up results that stay and don’t need to be removed every night or carefully ‘matched up’ every morning.
With a choice of either top, bottom or both lids you can opt for a more subtle lash enhancer (a fine line of pigment through the lash line) or alternatively a thicker and more conventional eyeliner.
Beautifully shaped and tinted lips using only a super crisp border and infusion of colour, giving you full, sensual lips 24 hours a day…effortlessly. This treatment is about making your lips even, creating the illusion of volume and ensuring that the colour stays put in any situation so that all you need to do is add a dab of gloss and you’re good to go.
A tint is selected from a huge range of fabulous shades, to either blend with your natural lip colour or to match your favourite cosmetic lip colour. Absolutely kiss-proof and as subtle or dramatic as you desire.
TAbout Semi Permanent Eyebrows Aftercare
Are you considering a semi permanent eyebrow treatment, but are worried about the aftercare? Don’t be. The aftercare for semi permanent makeup eyebrows is straightforward and easy to fit into your daily routine.
TFollowing any beauty treatment or procedure, it’s highly recommended that you follow the aftercare instructions to ensure the best possible results. And semi permanent makeup eyebrows are no different.
TWhat to expect immediately after the semi permanent eyebrow treatment
Firstly, the depth of colour of your eyebrows will be considerably darker than you may expect, but don’t panic as this is completely normal. Over the following four to ten days it will begin to fade and may take up to four to six weeks for the true colour to come through. Also don’t be alarmed if the colour seems to disappear during the healing process, this is due to layers of skin forming and is only temporary.
TAfter the procedure is complete you may experience a little discomfort around the eyebrow area which can be reduced by applying an ice pack. This will also help with any minor swelling that you may experience.
THow to care for your semi permanent eyebrows immediately after treatment
Following your treatment (on the same day), you should also clean the area with a damp cotton wool pad every two hours. Then apply the cream provided. Remember to wash your hands before and after each application and to use a new cotton wool pad to avoid infection.
TOngoing aftercare for semi permanent makeup eyebrows
The day after your treatment and for the next four days, just apply the cream three times a day. Only apply a thin layer of cream to allow the skin to breathe.
TKeep your hair away from your face in the first two days to avoid infection.
TThe treated area may experience the following symptoms for two to seven days after the treatment, which is completely normal:
• Flaking
• Tenderness
• Dryness and itching
• Swelling
• Redness
TDon’t be tempted to remove any scabs by force that may form on the treated area as this may remove the pigment along with the crust.
TThings you should avoid for 1-2 weeks:
• Soaps, facial cleansers, water on pigmented areas
• Washing pigmented area
• Chlorine pools
• Retin-A on pigmented areas
• Makeup on pigmented area for 5 days, including non-allergenic
• Hot, steamy, long showers
• Sun on pigmented areas
• Jacuzzis or saunas
• Terry towels on pigmented areas
TIdeally you should avoid water for at least one week, but that isn’t always possible. So, shower with your back to the water to avoid water, shampoo and conditioner from getting into the pigmented areas. Make sure you wash your hair with your head tilted backwards to stop water running down you face. Cover the pigmented area with a sufficient amount of the cream provided. If the area does get wet, pat dry very gently with a clean towel or tissue.
How to care for your semi permanent eyebrows long term
Semi permanent makeup eyebrows require very little maintenance. That’s one of the reasons you’re considering have them done, right? You’ll find they last between one to three years with just an annual touch up required to maintain their perfect shape and their depth of colour.
Introduction to Semi Permanent Make Up
Semi-Permanent Cosmetics, also known as Permanent Make-up, Derma Graphics or Cosmetic Tattooing, is a cutting edge aesthetic treatment for men and women which employs the latest techniques to achieve lasting colour or definition.
What can be achieved with Semi Permanent Make Up?
The treatment which is technically known as Micro-pigmentation, is a process of pigment implantation which produces flawless makeup for eyebrows, lashes, lips or the eye-line that will last between 1 and 3 years.
Well filled out eyebrows and a perfectly drawn eye-liner can take years off of the face and semi permanent makeup doesn’t carry the risks associated with invasive cosmetic surgery.
For many people this new revolutionary treatment can also be used to camouflage scars after surgery.
The procedure
Most treatments start with a consultation and colour analysis to discover what the best makeup look for each individual is. Pharmaceutical grade pigments will then be custom mixed to suit their colouring. An airbrush type gun is used to add pigments to the top layer of the skin (the dermal layer) and often a numbing cream will be applied to the area before this happens. For the first couple of days the pigment may appear darker than it will eventually look. The surrounding area may also be slightly red but scabbing is infrequent. A retouch might be scheduled for a few weeks time to achieve a perfect result.


Fuller and longer eyebrows lengthening and filling with natural hair strokes.

Distinctive eyebrows and soft contour with eyeliner.

The full eyelash line and the soft Ombré Eyebrow shading technique.

A clearer lip contour as well as thicker, more emphasized eyebrows